Here is my CV
Don't Judge


Ph.D. in Computer Science

University of California, San Diego

Sep. 2022 - 
GPA 4.0/4.0

Master in Computer Science

New York University

Sep. 2014 - May. 2018
GPA 3.89/4.0

B.S. in Data Science

University of Rochester

Sep. 2014 - May. 2018
GPA 3.59/4.0

research Experience

University of Toronto

Dec. 2020 – May. 2021

• Investigate given a simulation setting, whether positive deWinite projection of hessian matrix through partial
projection is possible at numerical factorizations step of Cholesky decomposition instead of a total projection before solving. 

New York University Courant Institute of Mathematical Science 

Sep. 2020 – May. 2021 

• Helped developing GPU version of previous project EGGS, which now has significant speedup comparing
to state of art methods or EGGS itself. In one of the application the performance of shape deformation of large

New York University Courant Institute of Mathematical Science 

Sep. 2020 – Jan. 2021 

• Investigated multiple interval libraries on their behaviours when dealing different type of functions,
correctness, speed and consistency across multiple platform.
• Developed a benchmark for interval libraries:

New York University Courant Institute of Mathematical Science 

Jan. 2019 – May. 2020 

• Developed method that unrolls expression tree for sparse matrix arithmetic and just-in-time compile kernel for the expression and can be easily plugged into current applications.
• The kernel supports CPU parallelism and AVX instructions. Current benchmark shows 4X-12X speed improvement in Sparse Matrix Sparse Matrix multiplication (SPMM) comparing to Intel’s Math Kernel Library. In real world applications, using this technique can eliminate the bottleneck posed by sparse computations. 

University of Rochester 

May. 2017 – May. 2018 

• Used unsupervised learning to analyze the syntactic pattern of a word for building a new type of noun database.
• Optimized the data structure and pipeline and used parallel programming to make the project deployable on server machine.
• Introduced new analysis pattern hence increasing the total amount of information extracted in a single sentence. 

WORK/TA Experience

New York University Courant Institute of Mathematical Science 

Sep. 2019 – Dec. 2019  

Grader for Undergraduate Computer Graphics 

New York University Tandon School of Engineering 

Sep. 2019 – Dec. 2019  

Teaching Assistant for Graduate level Interactive Computer Graphics 

University of Rochester 

Sep. 2017 – May. 2018 

Teaching Assistant for Database System 

Shanghai Institute of Data Analysis and Processing Technology 

Jun. 2016 – Aug. 2016 

Assistant in Android Development 


Symposium on Geometry Processing 2020

Jul. 2020

EGGS: Sparsity Specific Code Generator won best paper honorable mention.

New York University

Sep. 2017 – Dec. 2017 

7/9 Kitkat Rewards
• In a class taught by Denis Shasha where students participates in weekly competition using scripts, my team was the first place in 7 out of 9 games and was rewarded with kitkat each time.

University of Rochester

Sep. 2014– May. 2018  

Dean's Scholarship